kanamaluka / Tamar Estuary

The Executive Chair of the Tamar Estuary Management Taskforce will support the taskforce in considering issues and opportunities relevant to the health of the kanamaluka/Tamar Estuary and provide advice to the Tasmanian Government on how to develop and manage it. A key component of that is the 10-year Vision for the kanamaluka/Tamar Estuary (the Vision), endorsed by the Government in July 2022.

The Executive Chair, working with the Taskforce will have a renewed focus on implementing the River Health Action Plan and the Vision, and on providing an ongoing advisory and strategic planning role with regards to issues relating to the Estuary.

The key functions of the Taskforce are to:

  • oversee implementation of the Vision and the RHAP, including by tracking any funding commitments and progress on deliverables.
  • develop future strategic plans for the Estuary as required.
  • provide relevant advice to Government, including on:
  • commission work through its members to fill gaps in knowledge relating to the Estuary’s health or amenity as needed.
  • advocate on behalf of the Estuary to the Tasmanian and Australian governments.
  • coordinate the capital planning of members where they propose programs in addition to the RHAP or the Vision to ensure the works are compatible and that potential synergies are identified.
  • communicate relevant actions taken by member organisations and other stakeholders in accordance with the communications plan.
  • implementation of the Vision and the RHAP;
  • key proposals relating to the Estuary, including the extent to which they are compatible with the Vision and the RHAP; and,
  • other issues of importance relating to the Estuary’s health and amenity.

fact sheet has been prepared to accompany a public expression of interest for an Executive Chair of the Tamar Estuary Management Taskforce (the taskforce).